The Sermon on the Mount – May 30, 2021

Matthew 6:25-33

Pastor David Cay

In life, everyone wants to feel secure. Yet, for many of us we all struggle with anxiety and worry daily.

So my question today is: How can we find security? Our Bible passage comes from: Matthew 6: 25-33.

From this passage we find two keys to security, both of which are essential:

1. We need to trust God to provide.
2. We need to stay on God’s mission.

If we do both we can be completely secure.

The Sermon on the Mount – May 16, 2021

Matthew 5:27-30

Pastor David Cay

Sin is like a bee or a wasp. We all have sin in our lives that are flying and hovering around us, waiting to sting us! They seem to never go away. So, we can choose to ignore it, or we can temporarily walk away and try to run from it. However, in the end, that’s not a permanent solution. We need to kill it, we need to get rid of it!

If we don’t, we’re going to get stung and it’s going to hurt. In many ways, sin is the difference between a good life and a bad life. It can determine our destiny.

So my question today is what can we do to defeat the sin we struggle and fight against each day?

Through today’s passage, Jesus tells us that the way to defeat sin is to:

1. Nip it in the bud
2. Do whatever it takes

The Sermon on the Mount – May 2, 2021

Matthew 5:13-16

Pastor David Cay

We start a new series looking at Jesus’ sermon on the Mount of Beatitudes.

We all need to find our place in the world. Often, people around me ask me questions like, “Am I where I should be?” or “Am I doing what I should be doing?” We find our answer today in our passage: Matthew 5:13​-16.

Our Bible Passage today tells us that no matter the stage of life we find ourselves in, no matter our line of work, Christians are made to be a positive influence wherever they are.

Our big idea today is that God has put us on earth to make an impact, and to inspire a desire for God.

Abraham: Living by Faith – April 18, 2021

Genesis 19:29-36

Pastor David Cay

Life can contain a lot of pitfalls, a lot of dangerous and risky situations. We all know people who have made bad decisions and if I’m honest – I’m one of them. Many times, our mistakes are result of moral failure and looking back it would have been wise and better to avoid these potential disasters.

So my question today is: How do we avoid disaster in life?

We started answering this question last week, where we concluded that it’s important to have commitment and ambition within your relationship with God. This week, we’ll talk about two things to guard against, because these two things can really let us down.

1. We need to guard against our culture’s opinion
2. We need to guard against our own opinion.

Abraham: Living by Faith – March 21, 2021

Genesis 15:7-18

Pastor David Cay

We are going through dark and difficult times right now. If you’re not, the Bible tells us to expect hardship and trouble. It’s not a matter of if, but when.

My question today is this:
Where do we find hope in dark times? Where do we find light in the darkness?

This week’s passages teaches us two things:
1. Trouble and confusion are part of God’s plan.
2. We can be confident that God will keep his promises.

Abraham: Living by Faith – March 7, 2021

Genesis 12: 1-4

Pastor David Cay

There are churches out there that take the blessings God gives them, and use them to serve in big and bold ways. They are leading the way for other churches because Jesus said Christians should be so good that people would praise God because of us.

However, this doesn’t happen automatically. It takes a lot of intentionality, and without a clear intention and goals, we will miss out on God’s plan, and we won’t reach our full potential. Our Bible story today gives us the keys to making our lives count. We are starting a new series in the life of Abraham. Abraham’s story is a model of how we can live by faith and reach our full potential.

The Book of James: Disciplined Living – February 28, 2021

James 5:19-20

Pastor David Cay

Today, I want to talk about rescuing people spiritually. We all know someone that has wandered from the faith, and have wandered from God. If we are strong enough, we can do something about it.

The question is: how do we rescue a drifting Christian? James tells us that it is possible for any one of us to wander from the faith. If we aren’t careful we might find ourselves not connected to Jesus. This is an issue that we need to take seriously not only for ourselves but for those we serve.

The Book of James: Disciplined Living – February 14, 2021

James 4:1-10

Pastor David Cay

Good competition is a gift from God. We get to use our gifts, try our very best and sharpen each other’s skills. However, a lot of the trouble that we experience in life is from competition gone wrong. It’s when we abuse this gift.

For example, when people just want to win an argument; they talk over people and never listen. Or, when people go overboard to prove that they’re worth something or when people who want to get even. All this competition prevents us from living in peace with each other as God intended.

So my question today is how do we live in peace with each other? If we can live this out, live out God’s plan for peace, it can change not only our lives, but deeply benefit the lives of the people around us.

The Book of James: Disciplined Living – January 31, 2021

James 3:13-18

Pastor David Cay

The Christian life is a bit like growing teeth. We are either growing in the right way and in the right spot creating a great smile, or we are growing in the wrong way. The way we grow can have lasting effects in our lives.

If you grow the wrong way, you’ll spend a lot of your life wandering aimlessly. If you grow the right way, you will become all that God wants you to be. You will do really well for yourself and everyone you love.

So my question today is: how can we grow in the right way? Our passage today is telling us that we have to grow in godly wisdom. To do that:

  1. We need to grow out of the wrong wisdom that we live by.
  2. We need to grow into the right wisdom that only God can give.

The Book of James: Disciplined Living – January 17, 2021

James 1:12-15

Pastor David Cay

Despite our best laid plans, life sometimes doesn’t go the way you expect. You have all these plans, you’re excited for it, only for it to implode! It doesn’t go your way. It actually goes worse than you thought and it can hit us like a ton of bricks.

My question today: What do we do when life doesn’t go our way, when life gives us lemons?

Our passage tells us that we need to find the blessing in the trouble, and resist temptation within us.