Genesis: Starting Right – November 22, 2020

Genesis 2:2-3,15

Pastor David Cay

Today I want to ask the question: What does a healthy work life balance look like? I truly believe that work-life balance can make or break us. Some of us are so busy that we can’t rest properly, and because we’re not resting well it affects our work. I’ve been there myself, and I had to learn the hard way and it’s a place that I never want to experience again.

Thankfully, the Bible teaches us a better way to live, a way that’s healthier for us and more helpful for the people around us. We find this way in the second chapter of the Bible.

Parables: Stories to Challenge Culture – November 8, 2020

Luke 15

Pastor David Cay

Today I want to talk about choices, the choices we make every single day. There are some choices that don’t make much of a difference like what we eat at a buffet. But some choices really do matter.

One of the most important choices that can Christian make is deciding what kind of Christian we want to be? Our Bible story suggests that there are three kinds of Christians — three general mindsets for the Christian life.

Parables: Stories to Challenge Culture – October 25, 2020

Luke 15:1-10

Pastor David Cay

You are so important to God that he will do anything to find you! He would even sacrifice his own life and suffer a horrible death on a cross just so that He could be with us.

But after he finds us, we need to realize that it’s not the end of the story! It doesn’t just end at salvation and having a relationship with God. No, we get to join God in His mission! We get to help other people start a relationship with God.

This mission gives our lives meaning, unfortunately many Christians have forgotten or have left God’s mission behind, and they really miss out on the adventure!

Today I want to share two stories from the Bible about God’s passion for people. These stories are not only about what God does for us, but they’re also about the mission that God is inviting us on. The stories are known as the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin.

Parables: Stories to Challenge Culture – October 11, 2020

Luke 10:30-37

Pastor David Cay

Spiritual stagnation is serious. It should be a crisis when we stop growing spiritually. The impact that we can have is closely tied to whether or not we are growing spiritually for we were put on this earth to make a difference and for eternity.

So how do we know we are growing spiritually? Two words: radical love. Our Bible story tells us that God is making us into people marked by radical love. We measure our spiritual progress by our growth in our love for people.

Jeremiah: A Story of Perseverance – September 27, 2020

Jeremiah 29:4-7

Pastor David Cay

As Christians we are called to be the best citizens- we are called to be great neighbors to others. We’re supposed to be the Good Samaritan in the famous parable told by Jesus. This is the Christian standard to show radical love to our neighbors even to the degree that it shocks people.

But research shows that Christians are better known for being hypocritical and judgmental – which makes us exactly the kinds of neighbors people don’t like or want. Our sermon today will address two mistakes that prevent us from being great neighbors.

These are the same two mistakes that the ancient Hebrews were prone to in our Bible story.

Jeremiah: A Story of Perserverance – September 6, 2020

Jeremiah 2:13

Pastor David Cay

Jeremiah lived in a time when Gods’ people were not living right, they were so corrupt that God had to judge them and take away their homeland. There were all kinds of terrible stuff going on like lots of injustice and horrible things like child sacrifice.
But everything boiled down to one mistake: Idolatry. And this is the same mistake for us as well.