Dealing With Distractions – November 20, 2022

Matthew 4:1-4

Pastor David Cay

I had to change a lot of things in my life because my body was starting to fall apart, but maybe that’s more normal for us than we like to admit. Because for many of us we live such fast-paced lives that it becomes difficult to take care of ourselves properly.

We ignore our most basic needs like nutrition and sleep. But there’s another basic need that we neglect and perhaps it’s because we aren’t even aware that we need it.

Our Bible passage today shows us we need God’s word just like we need food and sleep. We’ll see that:

1. We need to know what the Bible SAYS.

2. We need to know what the Bible MEANS.

Today, we are starting a new series called: “Dealing with Distractions”.

It’s a series that takes us through the three temptations that Jesus faced in the desert- temptations that we will face because we live in an age where we are surrounded by temptations and distractions. But we can overcome them just like Jesus did.

Let’s read from our main passage, from Matthew 4:1-4.

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