Genesis: Chosen to Be a Blessing – October 3, 2021

Genesis 39:1-12

Pastor David Cay

Today I want to talk about the story of Joseph. Joseph was one of twelve brothers but he was the favorite son of his Father, Jacob. This caused an intense sibling rivalry- so intense that the brothers wanted to kill Joseph.

However, at the last minute they decided to sell Joseph as a slave instead. The slave traders took Joseph down to Egypt to be sold and there he worked and served a man named Potiphar.

In our passage, Joseph worked in a really difficult work environment, and he eventually overcame the challenges that he faced. Joseph teaches us how to engage the challenges of a difficult work environment. Work is a huge part of life and it’s part of God’s plan for every Christian to do good work (Eph 2:10; Eph 4:16).

Some work is paid, like if you have a career job. And other work is unpaid, like raising kids. But, we all need to work and we all need to overcome the challenges of our work. And our Bible story shows us how we can thrive at work and use our work to bless others and be blessed ourselves.

So my big question today is: What is the best way to approach our work? Our answer from our Bible story is:

  1. We should work with EFFORT
  2. We should work with INTEGRITY

Genesis: Chosen to Be a Blessing – September 5, 2021

Genesis 28:10-22

Pastor David Cay

Today, we begin a new series on the book of Genesis – specifically, the lives of Jacob and Joseph.

For some of us, we feel we are one big mistake and we feel like God can’t love us. We look at our mistakes, our failures and we don’t feel worthy to have a relationship with God. And no matter what we do, it feels like God is distant and doesn’t care about us.

Some of us don’t want a relationship with God because we have this view that God is like the moral police, that He’s like a bad boss or some dictator. Some view him as this needy person who always needs compliments to function. So it makes sense to ask why would anyone want a relationship with a God like that?

But the Bible tells us about a different God, a God that loves you and wants a relationship with you. He invites us into this life giving relationship. The only problem is we don’t just drift into a good relationship with God. We need to be intentional about it!

This leads me to my big question today: How do we get a right relationship with God?

Titus: Building Community – August 22, 2021

Titus 3:1-2

Pastor David Cay

When you have a vibrant relationship with Jesus, it can be such an amazing thing. However, it’s going to be very demanding. Anything that’s worth it will demand something great from you. It will demand certain changes in your life.

Our Bible passage teaches us about the kind of change that we need to do in our lives as we respond to the Gospel.

My big question today is: what kind of lifestyle does the gospel demand?

It’s an important question because some Christians think the Christian life is just about reading our Bibles and praying. There is so much more that the Gospel demands.

Our passage tells us that the Gospel demands a life of discipline, specifically:

  1. Discipline as citizens
  2. Discipline as neighbors.

Titus: Building Community – August 8, 2021

Titus 1:10-12

Pastor David Cay
NOTE OF CORRECTION: In the sermon, at the 15:26 mark, Pastor David incorrectly referenced a person in his story about “Silver Solution”. The person that Pastor David meant to refer to was “Jim Bakker”. Pastor David apologizes for the error.

My question today is: In the Christian life, in what ways do Christians get it wrong?

Today I want to talk about two common errors that happen when we live the Christian life. They have serious ramifications and can lead you into a lot of trouble.

These two errors are legalism, and the so called “prosperity gospel”. Legalism is a rule based religion that easily takes away our joy and the “prosperity gospel” is a religion based on consumption; the main goal is getting worldly goods. Our Bible passage today will help us to understand both errors.

Ecclesiastes: Our Culture’s Wisdom – July 25, 2021

Ecclesiastes 9:9-10

Pastor David Cay

My question today is: how do we respond to the brevity of life? How do we make the most of the life that God has given us?

As we have said in previous sermons, the teacher in our passage is not a Christian. He is more of an agnostic, and he speaks with our culture’s wisdom. Ironically, this is where cultural wisdom is totally right, and it matches with the Biblical wisdom we find in other parts of the Bible.

Here’s the message of the Bible, to deal with brevity of life, we need to:

  1. Seize the day for joy, and
  2. Seize the day for work.

Ecclesiastes: Our Culture’s Wisdom – July 11, 2021

Ecclesiastes 7:15-17

Pastor David Cay

My question today is this: Should we aim to live an extreme lifestyle, or opt to live for a more normal life?

Most of us are headed toward a normal life because quite frankly it’s easier. The cost isn’t as high, it’s way more comfortable. There is a lot of social pressure to be like everyone else, to have the same worldview and the same opinions. Many times, we automatically just drift toward what’s common.

We do have a choice, and I think it’s worth choosing because we find that there is a better option between the two, and we learn that when we reflect on our Bible passage today.

Ecclesiastes: Our Culture’s Wisdom – June 27, 2021

Ecclesiastes 3:19-22

Pastor David Cay

We live in a secular culture where a lot of people view the world in terms of just atoms, energy and what they can see. Many atheists make arguments and assumptions that all this spiritual stuff isn’t real.

There are many agnostics who say that there’s not enough evidence to believe in a god or an afterlife, so we can’t really know. Therefore, truly the “enlightened” wouldn’t believe in God or an afterlife; this is all there is.

I know it can feel intimidating talking to someone about faith at work or like at school and talking with intellectuals. But the Bible encourages us not to be afraid, to not avoid people with atheist/agnostic worldviews.

Instead, we should create genuine friendships with atheists and agnostics. We should be ready to explain the reason for the hope that we have in Jesus. Our Bible passage today makes us think about what many atheists and agnostics have proposed today in our culture.

The Sermon on the Mount – June 13, 2021

Matthew 7:1-6

Pastor David Cay

Our culture in many ways has become very moralistic where people need to behave and believe a certain way or they will be scorned or “cancelled” (the phenomenon is called “cancel culture”). So my question today is how should we respond to the moral failures of other people?

If we are truly honest, all of us fail morally all the time! Yet Christians are well known for being judgmental!

A recent study showed that 9 out of 10 non Christians believe that the term “judgmental” accurately describes present day Christianity.

So how we respond to our question today will determine whether Christians will bring division or healing. Our passage today comes from Matthew 7: 1-6.

Our Bible passage tells us that we need to:

  1. Remember our own sin a
  2. Respond if helpful

The Sermon on the Mount – May 30, 2021

Matthew 6:25-33

Pastor David Cay

In life, everyone wants to feel secure. Yet, for many of us we all struggle with anxiety and worry daily.

So my question today is: How can we find security? Our Bible passage comes from: Matthew 6: 25-33.

From this passage we find two keys to security, both of which are essential:

1. We need to trust God to provide.
2. We need to stay on God’s mission.

If we do both we can be completely secure.