Christmas – December 25, 2022

Revelation 12: 1-5

Pastor Enoch Chee

You might remember the Bible stories with the Shepherds and the angels and the baby and animals. And they’re good stories and important stories. But if you want to feel the power of Christmas, you need to look at the parts of the Christmas story that are dark and scary and sad. Because only when we bring up those parts of the Christmas story can we feel the power of the Christmas story in our own lives, especially in our own darkest moments.

So my question today is, what is the full meaning of Christmas?

I want to show you that Christmas is God’s answer to evil. Once again, Christmas is God’s answer to evil. And if we want to feel the power of the Christmas story we need to remember what is evil and we need to remember the savior.

Christmas – December 18, 2022

Matthew 1:18-25

Pastor David Cay

First impressions are like that sometimes, we can think a certain way about a person only to find out later we were super wrong. And it’s like that with Jesus, people have a certain first impression of Him.

Some people have this impression that he’s just a good teacher or he’s just a nice guy. Some people think he’s more of a legend than historical. Our Bible story today is about a man who at first got the wrong impression of Jesus.

But when he found out the truth about Jesus, it not only changed his life, but it changed the course of history.

In our story Joseph learned two things about Jesus that changed his life for the better, and it should change ours too:

1. Jesus is the sinless God

2. Jesus saves us from our sins

So, I’ll spend my time today unpacking these ideas from our Bible story.

Christmas – December 11, 2022

Matthew 1:1-7; 16-17

Pastor David Cay

Here in the beginning, Matthew introduces us to the savior of the world. At first glance it just looks like a big list of names. But when you look deeper into the names, we’re going to see that Matthew is pointing us to something important.

He’s telling us that God is good, and that God is powerful. If you’re a new to this Christian stuff this can be intriguing to you. But if you’ve been a Christian for a long time, it can sometimes sound so repetitive and so basic but if we can grow deeper into this truth, it can become even more richer than we think.

So, my plan today is to unpack our passage and it will give us a chance to reflect on who God is and how he still changes our lives.