Letters to the Corinthians – February 9, 2025

1 Corinthians 7:26-31

All of us have choices to make. We have choices in our love life. We have choices for our schooling and our career. We have choices for our friendship and our free time and our family life. Our choices will determine the direction of our lives.

So my big question today is: How can we make better life choices?

The answer I want to show you today is: we need to think like soldiers.

Because, just like soldiers:

  1. We need to remember the mission, and
  2. We need to accept our limits

My task today is to show you these ideas from the Bible, so you can build your life directly on God’s word.

Letters to the Corinthians – February 2, 2025

1 Corinthians 5:1-2; 9-13

We start a new series on Paul’s letters to the Corinthians.

I really believe that every Christian is meant to experience a type of fellowship where you feel loved, where you feel like you belong and where you experience Jesus in every aspect of your life. Maybe you’ve found that at this church, and that’s great! But a little warning: we can’t take that for granted.

We have to protect it because sometimes there are sins so great that they can break the fellowship. This is the reason why the church needs to have standards to protect its members and to protect its reputation. So, my big question today is What moral standards should we have in the Church?