The Second Epistle of Peter: Back to Basics – August 4, 2024

2 Peter 1:3-8

Many Christians feel lost spiritually. They look at their relationship with God and it’s become stagnant. They don’t feel like they’re growing, and it feels like they’re just drifting with no direction. 

On the other hand, there are other Christians who stay on track with God, and God is taking them places! They feel joy! They feel God’s overwhelming presence in their friendships, in their family and in their career. I believe all of us can experience God like that!

So, my big question today is: how can a Christian stay on track? That’s what our Bible passage is about today.

Our passage today tells us that if we want to stay on track spiritually, we need to make every effort to build character. It’s what matters the most! We should build character when we are alone, and we should build character with others.

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