Job 31:13-23
Everyone has a reason to do the right thing. Some people do the right thing for practical reasons like if you want to make friends, it probably best to be kind. For other people, there’s a social pressure to do the right thing because we want people to like us.
But these motivations aren’t always fool proof because sometimes social pressure encourages people to be mean. Sometimes it feels good to do the wrong thing like getting revenge. We need a better moral compass, not based on our feelings because feelings change quite often- need something consistent
So, my big question today is: where do Christians get their moral compass from? Our Bible story teaches us that our moral compass comes from being consistently aware of God’s coming judgment (now some are uncomfortable with judgment, but we went in depth with it during our Revelation series, so check it out on our YouTube channel).
Remembering the coming judgment (that we are accountable to God) helps us commit to both fairness and generosity. That’s what we learn from our Bible passage today. Let’s read fom Job 31:13-23, here we find Job explaining why he’s committed to doing the right thing.
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