Genesis: Chosen to Be a Blessing – September 26, 2021

Genesis 35:1-5

Pastor Enoch Chee

Today, I want to talk about a relationship that does count. I want to talk about our relationship with God. Over the years I’ve talked to a lot of Christians, and I find that typically people’s relationship with God is not going so well. People have ideas for what to do in the relationship with God. They’ll read the Bible or they’ll pray, or they will help out at church, but often times a Christian will feel stuck no matter what they do. They’ll feel it there’s not a lot of power, not a lot of impact. Not a lot of joy. And some Christians resign themselves and think, well that’s as good as it gets. But I disagree. I do believe that a great relationship with God is possible.

I’m talking about a relationship where we are working with God all day and doing acts of courage and justice and loving people and being loved in return; experiencing answered prayer and seeing the biblical promises come true in your own experience. I’m talking about impacting history and eternity. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not an easy life. And it will cost us a lot personally. But I am convinced it is the best life out here. There’s literally nothing better than a good relationship with God, and it’s possible for all of us to have it.

Our Bible story today gives us two keys to a great relationship with God. My big question today is:

How can we have a great relationship with God?

Our passage teaches us two keys.

  1. We need to obey fully.
  2. We need to take out the “trash”.

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