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Esther: When God Seems Far Away – May 24, 2020
Esther 2:8-20
Pastor David Cay teaches us two principles to follow when we are in difficult situations, based on the 2nd chapter of Esther:
1. Build an advantage: use your character, talents, and gifts
2. Build off advice: learn from criticism from people you love and trust
Esther: When God Seems Far Away – May 17, 2020
Esther 2:5-11
How do extraordinary things start? Mordecai, in the story of Esther, teaches us that it starts with what we do in the ordinary.
How to be Awesome at Church – May 10, 2020
1 Timothy 6:17-19
For many of us we hold money with a closed fist, for some we are generous electing to hold money with open hands. Whatever the case may be, what is the best way for Christians to handle money?
How to Be Awesome at Church – May 3, 2020
1 Timothy 6:1-4a
Pastor Enoch Chee takes us through the sixth chapter of 1st Timothy, and teaches us at in order to thrive during tough times, we must trade our time and our energy for real treasure that lasts, and to understand what is ultimate.
How to be Awesome at Church – April 26, 2020
1 Timothy 5:3-8
Pastor David Cay takes us through the fifth chapter of 1 Timothy, and shows us two mistakes that we need to watch out for as Christians: Worldly ambition, and neglecting our mission.
How to be Awesome at Church – April 19, 2020
1 Timothy 5:1-2
April 19, 2020 – We continue our series on “How to be Awesome at Church” with Tim Nguyen from Lighthouse Community Church. In this sermon, Tim teaches us how to be awesome at relationships within church – through gentleness and purity.