Barnabas: Moral Excellence – April 21, 2024

“When Filled with the Holy Spirit”

Acts 4:29-37

When it comes to spiritual things there are all kinds of unspoken rules and things going on behind the scenes. And if we understand how it all works, we can have the best experience possible. We’ll know what to expect, and we’ll know what to aim for, and we’ll know if we’re on the right track or not.

So my big question today is: what should we expect if we’re following Jesus properly? My big idea today is: We should expect God’s power.

  1. We should expect God’s power outside the church
  2. We should expect God’s power inside the church.

That’s what our Bible story is about today. Let’s read now from the book of Acts 4:29-37. This is the beginning of our new series which follows a guy named Barnabas. the context for this story is that the early Christians were under threat by the same people who had killed Jesus. So the Christians were praying because they were in trouble. And now we’re going to eavesdrop on their prayer.